Do committees need to have a special resolution in order to erect signs on common property?
Section 108 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (NSW) stipulates that an owners corporation “may add to the common property, alter the common property or erect new structure on common property for the purpose of improving or enhancing the common property”.
The key phrase to consider is whether the signage would be “improving or enhancing the common property”.
If so, the legislation goes on to require such an addition, alteration or erection of structure by way of a special resolution in a general meeting (which the strata committee cannot do).
One could consider that the signs are being placed to improve or enhance common property as they are usually placed for as reminders of rules (by-laws etc.) that govern the property.
Generally, you are either improving/enhancing or repairing/maintaining. One would interpret new signage to be an improvement or enhancement to what is (or is not) there already.